Roman Emperor – Justinian I

Roman emperor Justinian I was born on 11 May 483 in Tauresium, near Skopje in the territory of Macedonia, has been one of the most significant rulers the world has ever known.

He transformed the Empire into a powerful state which stretched across three continents – South Europe, West Asia and North Africa.In order to establish an efficient local order in the large state and uninterrupted functioning of its institutions, Justinian I composed a code of laws written in Latin known as Code of Justinian. He vigorously pursued construction activities, especially in the Balkans and Macedonia, visible from the construction and renewal of numerous cities and fortresses. He supported building of numerous and representative churches, with magnificent mosaics that became a part of the world art treasury. Emperor Justinian was also deserved for the construction of the famous church St. Sophia in Constantinople, as well as the new city Justiniana Prima built near his birth place Skopje.

Was Reincarnation Removed From The Bible?

Now, this is where things get really interesting, but also perhaps very uncomfortable for those who follow the Christian faith because reincarnation is certainly not a part of that belief system. Given then, it must be noted that there is quite a bit of evidence that points towards a large percentage of early Christians who did accept the idea of a cycle and rebirth on earth. This was around the period of 0 AD to 500 AD, it was during this time period that the stories of Jesus Christ were written down by hand and passed down to future generations.

During this time, the bible as we know it had not been written and put together in it’s whole form. As the story goes it was 367 AD that the Church Father, Athanasius, designated 66 books that together formed the church canon, essentially the only books that were included in the religious structure and to be recognized by the church.Reincarnation was officially removed from Christian doctrine during the Fifth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople. The council was evoked by the Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora to decide then what were to be ‘acceptable’ Christian beliefs and practices. The council released a list of decrees, which sounded the death knell for the idea of reincarnation.

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